Water SCIENCE (Supporting Collaborative Inquiry, Engineering, and Career Exploration with Water) Teacher Guide

Environmental Science
Grade Level

Prior to the start of your unit:

Being Prepared

Before beginning this six-day project, you will need to log in to the ITSI Portal (itsi.portal.concord.org) and create a class and a special "class word" associated with that class, which students will use to register.*

Note: You must repeat these steps for each of your classes prior to students logging in.

It would be best to have students create accounts and log in to explore the ITSI portal prior to beginning the Watershed curriculum.

* When students create their account, they should record the username that is generated for them and the password in a known location so they can access it later. (Teachers have the ability to see the username of a student and to change a password if a student forgets.)

If you need assistance, use the tutorials located in the HELP section of the ITSI portal.

PART 1 – What affects your watershed?

Being Prepared

Students will enroll in your class using the class word before beginning Part 1.

If you need assistance, use the tutorials located in the Help section of the ITSI portal.

Before beginning Part I, students should have prior knowledge of the water cycle, including the terms evapotranspiration, runoff, infiltration, precipitation, evaporation, and condensation. Students should also have a background in point source and non-point source pollution. Check with your local Center Directors, EPA, or online websites for additional possible water science resources.



Getting Started

The ITSI portal contains all materials needed for students to engage in this activity.


For this activity each student will need access to a computer or tablet with Internet access.

Suggested Timeline

The activity is designed to be completed in a 45-minute period. This may vary based on the depth that you investigate using the Model My Watershed Site model.

Thinking About the Discovery Questions

The following are the big ideas that pertain to this set of activities:

Common Misconceptions

Some students think that water flows south. It does not necessarily do so, but it always flows downhill!

Water will runoff downhill over the surface of the land, soak (infiltrate) into the ground, evaporate into the air, or be taken up by plants and released into the air (transpiration). The term evapotranspiration is the combination of evaporation of water off surfaces and transpiration from plants.

A transformative concept about watersheds is the River Continuum. Before the River Continuum concept was first developed, people thought that rivers were just like pipes that carried water, but were the same along the entire length. That is not the case. There are specific differences between the headwaters, the middle portions of a river and the lower portions of a river. There are also differences along the banks of a river, in channel shape and size as well as a different assemblage of wildlife in and along the stream/river. The website below provides lots of background information on watersheds.


Learning Objectives

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How could your actions affect all of your watershed neighbors?

Driving Question: What can you do to be good watershed neighbors?

  1. Students will be able to identify and describe their watershed.
  2. Students will explain how the land that makes up a watershed is connected and how the actions of one member of a watershed community can affect all other members of the watershed.


National Science Education Standards (NSES)

NSES Earth and Space Science – Structure of the Earth System
Water, which covers the majority of the earth's surface, circulates through the crust, oceans, and atmosphere in what is known as the "water cycle." Water evaporates from the earth's surface, rises and cools as it moves to higher elevations, condenses as rain or snow, and falls to the surface where it collects in lakes, oceans, soil, and in rocks underground.

NSES Life Sciences Populations and Ecosystems
The number of organisms an ecosystem can support depends on the resources available and factors, such as quantity of light and water, range of temperatures, and soil composition. Lack of resources and other factors, such as predation and climate, limit the growth of populations in specific parts in the ecosystem.

Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

Performance Expectations

Disciplinary Core Ideas

Crosscutting Concepts

Discussion: Formative Questions

Use the following questions during the activity with students or the whole class. Refer back to the watershed image in the activity.

Activity: Defining a watershed – have students run the Michigan Environmental Education video to show how water runs off of the land in a watershed. After students watch the video, return to the watershed drawing and examine the following questions:

Model My Watershed Activity – Once students have completed the Model My Watershed activity, discuss with them what they saw in their schoolyard and how the surrounding area is either the same or different.

Further Investigation (optional)

Building a pond in your schoolyard – see the description in the ITSI portal for building a pond.

Before you begin building the pond, check with your building administrator to determine the appropriate place to locate the pond. Once the pond is built, it will require maintenance. In arid areas, the water will need to be replenished periodically. In more humid areas, heavy rainstorms may cause the pond to overflow. Make sure that such an event does not adversely affect any other activity in the schoolyard. If you decide to maintain the pond beyond the unit, you will need to make sure that the pond does not develop an algae bloom (lots of algae that turns the pond green). This happens if there are too many nutrients (primarily phosphorus but also nitrogen, particularly in arid areas). If you add fish to the pond, they can be the source of those nutrients. Their excrement can cause blooms. Algae blooms cause Biochemical Oxygen Demand that can cause the water to become anoxic (no oxygen or not enough oxygen). Installing an aerator will help to ensure that the water does not become anoxic. These are available at pet stores where fish are sold. It will need electricity to run. You will also need to maintain the water level. Once the academic year is over, you will need to make sure that someone will be available to monitor and maintain the pond.

Discussion: Wrapping Up

Career: Water Resources Specialist

Water Resources Specialists work with communities, businesses, and others to protect local water supplies. It is important for them to be able to work with everyone and try to help different communities agree on what needs to be done. They need to be able to work with many different kinds of people who often disagree. To become a Water Resources Specialist, you should have a bachelor’s degree in engineering, geology, or hydrology. These disciplines help the Water Resources Specialist understand how water moves in the environment and how to teach citizens how to manage their water to keep it clean. You will also need to enjoy interacting with the public to help them resolve difficult water problems such as pollution, shortages, and other water emergencies.

Additional Background

As stated above, large watersheds are comprised of smaller watersheds. Each of the smaller watersheds is also comprised of smaller ones, until you get down to "first order" watersheds, where the water drains off of nearby slopes into the stream channel. There are many more miles of first-order watersheds than there are of larger (higher order) watersheds. When two first-order watersheds converge, they become a second-order watershed. No matter how many first-order watersheds flow into that stream, it remains a second-order watershed until it converges with another second-order stream. Higher order streams form in the same way. Two second-order streams that converge become a third-order stream, and so on. The highest order stream in the U.S. is the Mississippi, which is an order 10.


Aquifer - A unit of rock or an unconsolidated deposit is called an aquifer when it can yield a usable quantity of water.

Evaporation – when water turns from a liquid to a gas. That gas is water vapor, where the water molecules are suspended in the air. Warm air holds lots of water molecules, which is why it feels more humid in warm weather.

Evapotranspiration – the combination of evaporation of water off surfaces and transpiration from plants.

Groundwater - the water present beneath Earth's surface in soil pore spaces and in the fractures of rock formations.

Infiltration – the process of water soaking into the ground.

Photosynthesis – the process that green plants use to make food from carbon dioxide they get from the atmosphere and water they get from the ground through their roots.

Pollution – chemicals, pathogens, and other harmful things that could have bad effects on people and other living things.

Runoff – water that does not soak into the ground but runs across the surface of the land into streams, rivers, lakes, or stormwater basins and sewers.

Topography – the physical features of the land (mountains, hills, valleys, etc.) Transpiration – the process that plants do when they take up water to support photosynthesis, then release water back into the atmosphere through evaporation.

Watershed – all of the land where any rain that falls runs into the same stream, river, or lake. It includes the hills, valleys, towns, farms, and any other land, even rivers, lakes, and wetlands where the water goes.

Wetlands – low areas that water flows into and where the soil is almost always wet through most or all of the year. There may or may not be water visible at the surface.


Questions from the activity are provided with answers below.

Collect Data II

Use the Model My Watershed model from the Stroud Water Research Center (SWRC). The website will open in a new tab. Please select Guest for now to use the model.

PART 2 – How healthy is your watershed?

Being Prepared

This activity will take place in the classroom and in the field. Students will use the Low Cost Water Monitoring Kit in the field. They will also need a computer or tablet that can access the ITSI portal.


Investigating environments requires respect and attention to the existing ecosystem. Be careful not to alter or damage the stream, river, lake, or ocean. Select a reach that is easily accessible and safe for inspection. Safety is a primary concern when selecting a site. Stay away from areas with fast moving water, steep banks, or busy roads and bridges. Look for sites with easy access: a park, road crossing with little traffic, etc.

If applicable, consider the time it takes to travel to and from a site. Before sampling or crossing private property, obtain written permission from the landowner. If a public place is selected, you may want to alert the local agency responsible for the site. Whatever the location, be prepared for the rain. Wear clothing and closed-toe shoes that can be worn in the rain. Bring rain gear and protective plastic for your mobile devices and equipment.

Getting Started

The activity begins with an explanation of what makes a watershed healthy. It describes how the amount of oxygen, phosphate, and the temperature can affect what is able to live in the water. It also discusses how the land in the watershed contributes, either negatively or positively, to the health of the water.

Learning Objectives

ESSENTIAL QUESTION – How do we affect water quality in our local waterways?

DRIVING QUESTION – What can we do to our schoolyard and on our properties to protect local water resources?

Learning Objectives

  1. Students will identify what substances and conditions positively and negatively affect water quality.
  2. Students will identify how human activities can impact water quality.
  3. Students will learn how to assess local water quality.


National Science Education Standards (NSES)

NSES Earth and Space Science – Structure of the Earth System
Water, which covers the majority of the earth's surface, circulates through the crust, oceans, and atmosphere in what is known as the "water cycle." Water evaporates from the earth's surface, rises and cools as it moves to higher elevations, condenses as rain or snow, and falls to the surface where it collects in lakes, oceans, soil, and in rocks underground.

NSES Life Sciences Populations and Ecosystems
The number of organisms an ecosystem can support depends on the resources available and factors, such as quantity of light and water, range of temperatures, and soil composition. Lack of resources and other factors, such as predation and climate, limit the growth of populations in specific parts in the ecosystem.

Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

Performance Expectations

Disciplinary Core Ideas

Crosscutting Concepts


Discussion: Setting the Stage

In this activity students will examine:

Discussion: Formative Questions

Use the following questions during the activity with students or the whole class.

Collect Data I – Using the Low-Cost Water Monitoring Kit, have students test their local water body.

Collect Data II & III – Temperature, dissolved oxygen, and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) testing

In the Water SCIENCE program, we will use iSENSE to display a graph when a student enters data using the Innovative Technology in Science I nquiry portal or one of the mobile apps. These data are stored in an iSENSE project so that you can explore the student data from your colleagues’ classes in Arizona, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania.

iSENSE is a web system for sharing and visualizing scientific data. It is intended to be a resource for middle school and high school science, math, and engineering instruction. Students can use iSENSE to learn how to explore data to answer questions and to see the value of combining data from multiple people.

There are two main ways to use iSENSE:

  1. collect, share, and explore your own data (and your colleagues' data)
    In this session, we will look at turbidity data that has been collected and shared as part of the "Part IV: Can you filter your water?" activity.
  2. explore data from another source (such as the Environmental Protection Agency)
    In this session, you will explore some professionally collected data from the Charles River in Massachusetts. We can add similar data about a water source near your school if you are interested.

After data collection you can show students all of the clustered data points in the iSENSE project. You could also ask students to determine whether the collected data represents a “good’ or “excellent” test result, as described in the water monitoring kit (page 32-33).

Ranking Test Results

Rank the results of each water quality test on a 1-4 scale.

test factorsresultsranks
dissolved oxygen91-110% Sat4 (excellent)
71-90% Sat3 (good)
51-70% Sat2 (fair)
< 50% Sat1 (poor)
BOD0ppm4 (excellent)
4 ppm3 (good)
8 ppm2 (fair)
temperature change0-2°C4 (excellent)
3-5°C3 (good)
6-10°C2 (fair)
> 10°C1 (poor)

Conclusion Discussion

Have students report what they have found. Ask them to assess the water quality in their watershed. Can they explain the conditions?

Career: Environmental Scientist

Environmental Scientists study the interactions among biological processes and physical processes in ecosystems. They then take their understanding of those ecosystems and assess how human activity may alter those systems. Environmental scientists must integrate many biology, chemistry, and ecology topics, along with math, statistics, and computer science. Most environmental scientists have Ph.D.’s. They do their work both in the field and in the lab.

Additional Background

Water quality in lakes, streams, and rivers is directly related to the land adjacent to them or upstream. What we do on the land can either improve water quality or degrade it. Most pollutants that affect waterways come from runoff from adjacent lands. The best way to protect waterways is to plant vegetative buffers that can intercept sediment, nutrients, and pollutants. Trees are the best buffer, if the ecosystem can support them. In some arid areas, it is still possible to plant streamside trees since the waterway can provide the necessary water.


Questions from the activity are provided with answers below.

Further Investigation

Dissolved Oxygen Testing

Dissolved oxygen (DO) is an important characteristic of a healthy water body. If there is no, or low oxygen, very little can survive in the water. Cold water can hold much more oxygen than warmer water. Oxygen in the water can come from photosynthesizing algae or aquatic plants in the water. However, in streams and rivers where there are rapids and fast-flowing water, oxygen can enter the water as a result of that turbulence. Deep pools in streams and rivers can have less dissolved oxygen than the water in riffles, because the deep water may not mix with the current in the stream. Ponds, which do not have running water, tend to have less oxygen and can become anoxic at depth.

PART 3 – How murky is your water?

Being Prepared

This activity uses turbidity, pH, phosphate and nitrate readings to determine the murkiness of your watershed.


Wear eye protection during experiments. Students should wash their hands after performing experiments. Follow all safety rules and guidelines provided by your school regarding laboratory and outdoor activities.

The TesTab reagents used in the Low-Cost Water Monitoring Kit are designed with safety in mind. The single-unit, foil-packaged TesTabs are easy to dispense. Store TesTabs in a cool, dry place and only open the foil when ready to use the tablet. A single tablet, either alone or reacted with a sample, is not a health hazard. However, TesTabs should not be ingested.

Getting Started

Often referred to as turbidity, the murkiness or relative clarity of the water is a characteristic that refers to water quality. The more "murky" the water, the more turbid the water is, and potentially the more of a problem it is. Suspended solids, such as clays, have a surface charge that allows them to carry cations (positively charged particles) that can either be nutrients or chemicals. These cations can move on and off the particles and, when in the water column, can cause pollution. Nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus cations can cause algae blooms. In most cases, phosphorous is the limiting nutrient in freshwater systems, while nitrogen is the limiting nutrient in marine systems. A limiting nutrient is the one that controls the amount of primary production in the system.

The pH of an aquatic system can be altered through acid deposition (acid rain), natural geological weathering processes, and industrial and mining pollution.  Most freshwater lakes, streams, and ponds have a natural pH in the range of 6 to 8. If a system becomes too acidic (low pH), toxic aluminum ions can be mobilized from mineral grains in the sediments, fish begin producing too much mucus and suffocate, and chronic exposure leads to reproductive problems in fish.  In extreme acidification (below 4.5), little life other than mosses can survive.  Likewise, if a system becomes too alkaline (high pH), fish lose their protective slime coats and are subject to skin rashes, eye and gill damage, and greater susceptibility to diseases, and many other substances increase in their toxicity to aquatic life.


Suggested Timeline

The activity is designed to be completed in a 45-minute period.

Thinking about the Discovery Questions

Learning Objectives

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What human activities contribute to water pollution?

Driving Question: What can we do on land to reduce the amount of sediment and chemical pollution in our streams?

Learning Objectives

  1. Students will learn what causes turbidity.
  2. Students will learn how turbidity can affect water quality.
  3. Students will learn about ways to reduce turbidity.


National Science Education Standards (NSES)

NSES Earth and Space Science – Structure of the Earth System
Water, which covers the majority of the earth's surface, circulates through the crust, oceans, and atmosphere in what is known as the "water cycle." Water evaporates from the earth's surface, rises and cools as it moves to higher elevations, condenses as rain or snow, and falls to the surface where it collects in lakes, oceans, soil, and in rocks underground.

NSES Life Sciences Populations and Ecosystems
The number of organisms an ecosystem can support depends on the resources available and factors, such as quantity of light and water, range of temperatures, and soil composition. Lack of resources and other factors, such as predation and climate, limit the growth of populations in specific parts in the ecosystem.

Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

Performance Expectations

Disciplinary Core Ideas

Crosscutting Concepts


Discussion: Setting the Stage

Discussion: Formative Questions

The following EPA website has an excellent PDF on managing stormwater to reduce pollution. It includes conservation practices that reduce runoff.


Discussion: Wrapping Up

Collect Data II & III – Turbidity, pH, nitrate, and phosphate testing

In the Water SCIENCE program, we will use iSENSE to display a graph when a student enters data using the Innovative Technology in Science Inquiry portal or one of the mobile apps. These data are stored in an iSENSE project so that you can explore the student data from your colleagues’ classes in Arizona, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania.

iSENSE is a web system for sharing and visualizing scientific data. It is intended to be a resource for middle school and high school science, math, and engineering instruction. Students can use iSENSE to learn how to explore data to answer questions and to see the value of combining data from multiple people.

There are two main ways to use iSENSE:

  1. collect, share, and explore your own data (and your colleagues’ data)
    In this session, we will look at turbidity data that has been collected and shared as part of the “Part IV: Can you filter your water?” activity.
  2. explore data from another source (such as the Environmental Protection Agency)
    In this session, you will explore some professionally collected data from the Charles River in Massachusetts. We can add similar data about a water source near your school if you are interested.

After data collection you can show students all of the clustered data points in the iSENSE project. You could also ask students to determine whether the collected data represents a “good’ or “excellent” test result, as described in the water monitoring kit (page 32-33).

Ranking Test Results

Rank the results of each water quality test on a 1-4 scale.

test factorsresultsranks
pH41 (poor)
51 (poor)
63 (good)
74 (excellent)
83 (good)
91 (poor)
101 (poor)
nitrate5 ppm2 (fair)
20 ppm1 (poor)
40 ppm1 (poor)
phosphate1 ppm4 (excellent)
2 ppm3 (good)
4 ppm2 (fair)
turbidity0 JTU4 (excellent)
>0 to 40 JTU3 (good)
>40 to 100 JTU2 (fair)
>100 JTU1 (poor)

Career: Environmental Restorative Planner

Environmental Restorative Planners work with communities and landowners to remediate damage that has occurred on the land from development, bad farming practices, or pollution spills. They must first investigate the history of the property and identify the cause of the damage. Once they have done that, they must then determine what action will decrease or remove the pollution. In some cases, there are natural remedies, such as planting trees along the stream banks or keeping livestock out of the stream. In other cases, however, the contamination can be from toxic chemicals or heavy metals. In those cases, they can either remove the soil and place it in a lined landfill or use phytoremediation (plants that can take up toxic substances) to remove the pollution. Once the plants have incorporated the offending chemical, the plants need to be removed, including the roots, and treated in a facility dedicated to sequestering the dangerous substances.

Additional Background

Toxic chemicals, radioactive materials, and heavy metals need to be treated carefully by trained professionals in places where the pollutant will not move back into the environment. They are often placed in landfills that are lined with clay so that the substances cannot be washed into groundwater.


Further Investigation

Once the activity is completed, discuss what can affect the pH of water coming off of the land. One of the most important things that contributes to the pH of surface water is the soil in the area. Soil with high nutrient levels can buffer pH. Soils that have low nutrient levels tend to be more acidic. Acidic soils form on granitic rock. Students may be too young to remember the issue of acid rain. It caused streams in some places to become very acidic, which killed fish. These soils formed on granite, which has a low buffering capacity. Where soils are more basic, water that runs through them to streams has a higher pH from the buffering capacity of the soil.

PART 4 – Can you filter your water?

Being Prepared

This activity asks students to use Earth materials to filter water.


Eye goggles and disposable gloves are recommended.

Getting Started

As we learned when we first saw the Earth from space, our planet is a water planet. But most of the water on Earth (96%) is in the oceans, so we cannot drink it. Lots of the rest is in polar ice caps. Only about 1% is available for us to use for growing crops, drinking, bathing, and other uses. The Earth has many ways to naturally filter water. When water percolates through rocks and soil, it picks up ions from them. These ions can affect the pH of the water. It can also remove some substances that are in the water. Clay particles have what are called exchange sites that are negatively charged. Clay particles can hold positively charged particles. These particles move on and off the charged clay particles. Most of the cations that adsorb to the clay are nutrients. However, clay and other Earth materials can also filter substances. In this activity, students will decrease the turbidity of dirty water.

Understand the Problem

Your first task as an engineer will be to understand the problem. This includes understanding what the constraints are when it comes to solving the problem. What materials and resources will you have available to solve the problem? How much time do you have to figure out a solution? How many people are on your team who can work together to solve the problem? What will each person on the team do? What knowledge resources (e.g., science textbook, or water filtration/treatment guide, experts) do you have access to? How will you know that you have solved the problem? Identify criteria that you will use to show that you have effectively solved the problem (e.g., is the water clear? are there no particulates floating in the water? is the water colorless as seen by the naked eye? is the water odorless?) Now that you have understood the problem, you have to figure out how will achieve the solution.

Gather Information

Gather as much information about the problem as you can from the available resources. Resources include reviewing background knowledge on how water utilities treat drinking water, what materials are used, how the materials work to clean water, and so on. Make sure to make notes on what you learn and how you will use that information as you design your solution.


Write down as many ideas as you can think of on how you will use the provided materials and the information you have gathered to solve the problem. All ideas should be listened to and thought through. In the end, select one idea that your team agrees upon to test out by planning it carefully, building the solution, and carefully study how well it works.


Take your agreed upon idea and plan it out in great detail. As you plan, make sure you consider the materials you have available to create your solution. Initially, make rough sketches. Develop a final clean drawing where you neatly label parts and materials. Write accompanying descriptions. In the descriptions write how you believe these will work. Note why you selected the materials. Plans should be developed in specific detail, so someone else can follow them.


Now that you have your plan, build it! Follow the plan carefully.


Test the plan, noting how it worked. For instance, you can note down the amount of water you poured into a filtration chamber. Then measure and note down the amount of water that came out of the filtration chamber after a specific amount of time. You have to determine the procedures you will use to test the filtration device. You can also take pictures of the water sample before filtration and after filtration and use them to document your solution.


Engineers often go through an iterative process of repeating necessary phases in the design process until they are satisfied with the solution. Based on the amount of time and materials you have, go through the design process as needed. Make notes on what you would do differently in the next iteration (next repetition of the design process), why, and what results you expect.

Background on Water Treatment

Your city or municipal water treatment utility usually performs two types of water treatment: treatment of water before it is used for drinking and other purposes, and treatment of wastewater such as sewage so it is safe to enter the environment. Treatment plants for drinking water and for wastewater have equipment and processes to remove or destroy harmful materials and organisms. A treatment plant uses tanks and mechanical parts such as valves and pumps to move the water through the different processes. These processes are designed and managed by water engineers. Other engineering specialties, including mechanical, chemical, materials science, and construction engineering, play a role in the construction, design, and maintenance of water treatment plants. Drinking water treatment performed by your water utility usually involves these sequential phases.

Coagulation: Dirt and other floating particles that cause turbidity are removed from the water using chemicals. Flocculants are chemicals such as alum (aluminum potassium sulfate) that cause the dirt and other particles to stick together; flocculants are added to the water, which creates larger particles called floc.

Sedimentation: The floc particles are allowed to settle to the bottom of the sedimentation chamber through which the water moves. Often, the water is agitated (stirred) using forces (such as gravity, centrifugal acceleration) to allow for the motion of the floc particles through the water. The floc or sediment is allowed to settle to the bottom of the sedimentation chamber and water is then moved to the next phase, which is filtration.

Filtration: The water is typically slowly passed through layers of activated carbon, sand, and gravel. In fact, the water cycle which is a slow process is an example of how water is naturally filtered through the earth’s layers. As water moves through the earth’s layers, solids are trapped; disease causing microorganisms, such as bacteria, are also trapped, and either die naturally or become food for microorganisms that live in the soil. Activated carbon is used for its adsorption property. That is, it allows specific types of particles to adhere to it. Typical surface area for activated carbon is approximately 1,000 square meters per gram and this is one of the reasons why activated carbon is used in water filtration.

Disinfection: Before water is stored and distributed for drinking use after filtration, water is typically disinfected using chemicals. This is done very carefully to ensure that the chemicals used do not cause harm to humans. Water is typically disinfected with chlorine or other chemicals, called disinfectants, to kill any bacteria and other harmful organisms. In some cases, water is disinfected before the sedimentation process begins as well.


You will need to collect Earth materials, such as sand, gravel, carbon, and alum.

You will also need dirty water. Take care that the materials used to pollute the water for your filtration experiment are safe when used with students. If you take water from a local water body, make sure it does not have any toxic or harmful chemicals in it. If you need to "make" dirty water, you can add potting soil, clay (water based), oil, and vinegar. Add garlic powder for odor. Do not put too much into each sample as it may be too difficult for the students to remove.


Safety Equipment:

Earth Materials (to be used as filtration materials):

Chemical (to be used as a pre-filtration material if available):

Readily-available materials (that can be used for filtration if available):

Readily-available materials (to build the filtration device):

Other supplies:

Suggested Timeline

The activity is designed to be completed in a 45-minute period.

Thinking about the Discovery Questions

Learning Objectives

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does the Earth filter water so that it is clean?

Driving Question: How can we use Earth materials to clean dirty water so that it is safe to drink?

Learning Objectives

  1. Students will hypothesize how each material interacts with given contaminants (for example, are they adsorbed on sediment, are they broken down by microbes, or oxidized by aeration?).
  2. Students will test their prediction by testing how Earth materials remove water contaminants.
  3. Students will evaluate their results to conclude how effective Earth materials are as filters.


National Science Education Standards (NSES)

NSES Earth and Space Science – Structure of the Earth System
Water, which covers the majority of the earth's surface, circulates through the crust, oceans, and atmosphere in what is known as the "water cycle." Water evaporates from the earth's surface, rises and cools as it moves to higher elevations, condenses as rain or snow, and falls to the surface where it collects in lakes, oceans, soil, and in rocks underground.

NSES Life Sciences Populations and Ecosystems
The number of organisms an ecosystem can support depends on the resources available and factors, such as quantity of light and water, range of temperatures, and soil composition. Lack of resources and other factors, such as predation and climate, limit the growth of populations in specific parts in the ecosystem.

Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

Middle School

Performance Expectations

Disciplinary Core Ideas

Crosscutting Concepts


Discussion: Setting the Stage

Discussion: Formative Questions

Discussion: Wrapping Up

Career: Environmental Engineer

Environmental Engineers must be interdisciplinary. They need to be able not only to understand engineering principles, but also biological, chemical, and physical principles that affect the environment. They also need to be able to find solutions to environmental problems, for example, keeping water clean by building better wastewater treatment facilities, cleaning up chemical spills using phytoremediation (plants that take up toxic chemicals), or building facilities that do not harm the environment. Environmental Engineers need to study math and physics as well as biology and chemistry in order to solve difficult environmental problems or help developers to plan and build more environmentally friendly buildings. They need to have a bachelor’s degree at a minimum.


Further Investigation

Microscopic study of pond water

In this activity, students use their microscopes to investigate pond water, and photograph what they see. Once they have looked at the water and taken their pictures, ask them to describe and share what they found. Were there plant cells, algae, mud, small organisms, etc.? If they could not photograph them, have them draw what they saw and also describe them in words. Do they think that there might have been things in the water that they could not see? What could those things be? Could there be germs? Could drinking this water cause them to be sick? Have a discussion of why pond water may not be safe to drink. In general, it is not safe for students to drink this water, so make sure that students do not do so.