Ramps and Friction Teacher Guide


Ramps and Friction



Grade Level


Activity Name(s)

Gravity Rules in the Skatepark

Motion on a Ramp

Being Prepared

Gravity Rules in the Skatepark

This activity would ideally be completed by individual students, with one student per computer.

The teacher may want to pace the lesson so that a set amount of time is given to the first data collection set to allow students to explore the model, but then redirect to the subsequent tasks.

Motion on a Ramp

This activity can be done in groups of 2-3 students.

If time allows, the teacher may want to have students complete the "Seeing Motion" Activity prior to this activity. This activity gives students a strong experiential understanding of position vs. time graphing.

The cardboard reflectors on the cars are necessary to get consistent data. The teacher may want to mount the cardboard onto the cars prior to the lab.

Getting Started

Gravity Rules in the Skatepark

Computers needed.

Motion on a Ramp

One set per group:

Suggested Timeline

The activities in this unit should take one class period each.

Thinking about the Discovery Questions


A lighter object has more motion energy than a heavier object because lighter objects move faster than heavier objects (AAAS Project 2061, n.d.).Objects that are dropped do not have motion energy. For example, a dropped object doesn't have motion energy because gravity is just pulling it down (Herrmann-Abell & DeBoer, 2010).

Learning Objectives

Discussion: Setting the Stage

What is energy? Where does energy come from? Where does it go? What causes motion to change? How does gravity change motion?

The questions above can motivate a great discussion. Student answers will vary, and will reveal a great deal not only about preconceptions but also student thinking. After posing questions and discussing, consider sharing the adaptation of Richard Feynmann's Dennis the Menace building block analogy (see background.)

Discussion: Formative Questions

Discussion: Wrapping Up

Additional Background

Gravity Rules in the Skatepark

The following analogy is from "The Feynman Lectures on Physics". Feynman, R. P., & Leighton, R. P. (1963).

Imagine Dennis has 28 blocks. They are identical to one another, absolutely indestructible, and cannot be divided into pieces.

Dennis's mother puts Dennis is in his room with his 28 blocks at the beginning of the day. At the end of each day, Dennis's mother counts the blocks and discovers a phenomenal law: No matter what he does with the blocks, there are always 28 remaining.

She replicates her experiment for some time until one day she only counts 27, but with a little searching she discovers one under a rug. She realizes she must be careful to look everywhere.

One day later she can only find 26 blocks. She looks everywhere in the room, but cannot find them. Then she realizes the window is open. She searches outside the window, and finds the two blocks outside in the garden.

Another day, she discovers 30 blocks. She gives this some thought, and realizes that Bruce has visited that day, and has left a few of his own blocks behind. Bruce's blocks are returned to him, and the experiment continues.

Like the blocks, energy cannot be created or destroyed. It may come from somewhere, and go somewhere, but the total amount remains the same.


Gravity Rules in the Skatepark

  1. What design considerations would be important for designing a skatepark on the moon? What about Jupiter?

    Student answers will vary, but may include ramp height, shape, and friction.

  2. Use the language of physics to describe how skateboarding on the Moon would be different than on Earth. Would it be more exciting or less? What about Jupiter?

    The gravitational force between the skater and the moon would be less than the gravitational force between the skater and the earth. This would mean that there would be less acceleration due to gravity on the moon than on the earth, so the gravitational potential energy would be less. Since energy is conserved, the maximum kinetic energy would be less, so the resulting speed will be slower. Jupiter has more mass, so the gravitational force would be more, resulting in more gravitational potential energy. Maximum kinetic energy would be more, so the speed of the skater would be more.

  3. How does gravity differ on the earth, the moon, and Jupiter? Why does it differ?

    Gravity on any planet is directly proportional to the mass of the planet, and inversely proportional to the square of the radius.

  4. Describe how changes in gravity alter potential energy using the formula for potential energy.

    Gravitational potential energy is directly proportional to acceleration due to gravity, so if acceleration due to gravity increases, the gravitational potential energy will increase.

  5. Describe how changes in gravity alter kinetic energy using the formula for kinetic energy.

    Kinetic energy is 1/2 mv^2, so it does not directly depend upon gravity; however, since energy is conserved within the system, if there is more gravitational potential energy, there will be more kinetic energy.

Motion on a Ramp

  1. Explain the relationship between a distance vs time graph and a velocity vs time graph.

    The slope of the a line tangent to the distance vs. time graph at any point in time is the velocity.

  2. How could you predict the velocity graph if you knew the shape of the distance graph?

    Examine the slope of the distance graph. What is the direction of the slope? Is it positive or negative? The slope of the a line tangent to the distance vs. time graph at any point in time is the velocity.

  3. How would you predict the distance graph if you knew the shape of the velocity graph?

    The area under the velocity curve for a given time interval is the displacement for that time interval. Note: This gives the displacement from one point in time to another. In order to find a final position at the end of that time interval, the initial position must be specified.

Further Investigation

Gravity Rules in the Skatepark

The further investigation in the activity require adding in the consideration of friction. Students will see how eventually all of the energy of the system is dissipated in the form of thermal energy. This is great introduction to the second law of thermodynamics.

Motion on a Ramp

The further investigation in the activity involves investigating changing the angle of the ramp. The teacher may wish to add discussion about the effect of friction.